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Smile Inducing Smiles

Suicide prevention is often approached as 'Desperate, Call Now'... and while that saves lives, we wanted to move the conversation up to truly affect the psyche of people and alleviate the tendencies that can often lead to depression and eventually suicide.  

With the Samaritans, we created the #happierboston campaign.  An all-out effort to connect with a city that is often seen as angry and full of Massholes...

The effort pushed to bring joy in people's lives throughout their everyday, and to put the name Samaritans into the community in a positive manner.  The outcome of our 'social experiments' was overwhelming... 

  • National News Coverage

  • Increase in corporate sponsorships focused on the positive mindset

  • Increased consumer donations

  • Change in mindset of how Samaritans actually helps people.  

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